
The U.S. Constitution and Flag, two of our most cherished symbols were made of hemp before it was prohibited.

Betsy Ross made the first flag of the United States of America out of the finest, strongest fiber available, hemp fabric. "It is also said that the finest laces of the olden days were always made of hemp in preference to any other fiber." -Herndon, p.154.

U.S.A. Hemp Museum perfume bottle showing Betsy Ross sewing the first United States flag out of hemp sailcloth.

"The Birth of Our Flag." On the upper right is Betsy Ross's house in Philadelphia, PA. Hemp Museum postcard.
The real Star Spangled Banner at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. Made of linen? Hemp Museum photo. Our National Anthem, The Star Spangled Banner, was written by Francis Scott Key, September 1814, during the War of 1812 with England.  Proclaimed the National Anthem by an Act of Congress - March 3, 1931. Hemp Museum postcard.
This 1909 Hemp Museum postcard shows a 46 star flag like the one above. Old Glory. Hemp museum postcard.
The Land and Flag that I Love. Hemp museum postcard. One of a series of flag postcards of the Hemp Museum showing the U.S. Flag during the 48 star period.  1912 - 1959, when Alaska and Hawaii brought the total to 50.
Long May It Wave. Hemp museum postcard. 50 Star flag decal.
Freedom. And Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Hemp museum postcard. Patriotic Necktie with flags and an eagle. Hemp Museum necktie.

The lower flag of the Hemp Museum is a 46 star flag presented to the widow of a Spanish War veteran on his death. The flag was presented before Arizona and New Mexico became states in 1912. Probably of hemp fabric. The upper flag is a hemp reproduction of a bicentennial flag.
The 50 star flag of the new Hemp for Victory movement in the U.S. THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER. 1973. Illustrated by Peter Spier. Hemp Museum Book.
THE STORY OF OUR FLAG. 1994. Bellerphon Books. A coloring book of flag history. Hemp Museum Book. The American Flag. A picture book of U.S. flags by Michael Friedman Pub. Group, Inc. 1998. Hemp Museum Book.

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